What is Blogging


What is blogging ?

If you want to make money online but I would say this method of earning can be very beneficial to you One of the best ways to make money online is Blogging. But many people are already making money through blogging and what is Blogging? Come learn how it is useful for earning.


Blogging Mean?

Blog means nothing but creating a website. How to create a blog There are many options available like WordPress and Blogger. Blogging is the act of sharing your daily diary on the Internet. In other words, a blog is an article that is published on the Internet every day.

How to Create a Blog?

There are two major types of blogging methods used by most people. One of them is WordPress and the other is Blogger. Two important things need to be done before creating a website

1. Domain 2. Hosting


A domain is the address of the Blog / Website that we create. This means that when we search for any website, we use .com .NET .org at the end of the name, which is called Domains.


Hosting is the place where you store your website details. This means that whatever blog/website you create needs a place to store all the information (images/videos etc.) in it is called a server. Web hosting makes files that contain the website (code, images, etc.)available for viewing online. Every website you ever visit is hosted on a server.

Popular sites like GoDaddy, and Hostinger are available for purchasing domain and hosting. Apart from these many other third-party websites are also available to provide domain and hosting. Blogger is great if you want to get free domain and hosting. You can create a website for free through blogger. Interestingly, you can also create a free site on blogger and get Google AdSense approval.

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